Critiques for improvement are welcome. In fact, you can use Vocaroo to record your own attempt and share it here! 한국어 공부하자! Excerpt from Yonsei University Textbook 3-1 (편의 시설 이용하기 Using convenience facilities) Page 50 - Listening transcript [on 듣기 지문 page (3)]
Critiques for improvement are welcome. In fact, you can use Vocaroo to record your own attempt and share it here! 한국어 공부하자! Excerpt from Yonsei University Textbook 3-1 (인사하기 Greetings) Page 42
Critiques for improvement are welcome. In fact, you can use Vocaroo to record your own attempt and share it here! 한국어 공부하자! Excerpt from Yonsei University Textbook 3-1 (한국인의 여가 활동 Korean people's leisure activities) Page 35
Critiques for improvement are welcome. In fact, you can use Vocaroo to record your own attempt and share it here! 한국어 공부하자! Excerpt from Yonsei University Textbook 3-1 (여가 생활 조사하기 Investigating leisure activities) Page 30
Critiques for improvement are welcome. In fact, you can use Vocaroo to record your own attempt and share it here! 한국어 공부하자! Excerpt from Yonsei University Textbook 3-1 (취미 동아리 소개하기 Introducing hobby clubs) Page 21
Critiques for improvement are welcome. In fact, you can use Vocaroo to record your own attempt and share it here! | Excerpt from Yonsei University Textbook 3-1 (취미 활동 설명하기 Explaining one's hobbies) Page 15
Speaking practice! This is the first and I'm just trying it out for now. Not sure how this will work out but thought that this would be helpful for my personal learning and pronunciation practice.