Resources for Korean learners, by Korean learners.
Rules for Pronunciation
One of the biggest challenges of learning Korean is to get familiar with pronunciation rules. As a native speaker, I knew the rules but didn’t know I knew, even though I used them every day….
Learning a language is hard, especially when you are doing it by yourself. Today, I want to introduce our readers Hansen, a Korean learner from Indonesia. Just like many Korean learners, Hansen has learned Korean…
We all care about others’ feelings a lot, especially when we say NO. Especially in Korea, saying NO politely is very important, and that’s why we have so many indirect phrases to say it. Trust…
Past is not just past…. Reflecting on your own past and sharing your past with someone are all important! That’s why! Today, I want to introduce you adverbs to indicate past tense in Korean. 🙂 방금…
(Estimated reading time: 10 minutes) Tell me… What do you do when you see Korean words you don’t understand? Copy and paste the word into Google Translate, type in Google Search “안녕 meaning” or text…
[Grammar] ~(으)ㄹ 거다 vs ~(으)ㄹ게 vs ~겠다
(Estimated reading time: 8 minutes) It’s been a very long time since my last blog post about grammar nuances (or about anything at all…) – the last one was ~(으)ㄹ 것 같다 VS ~(으)ㄴ/는 것 같다!…
It’s been a long time since I last updated with anything and there’s a good reason for that! Hear me out. I’ve been working Mondays to Fridays, having classes on Saturday and working on a…
[Speaking Practice #37] 환영 모임에 초대하기 Inviting to a welcoming party
Critiques for improvement are welcome. In fact, you can use Vocaroo to record your own attempt and share it here! 한국어 공부하자! Transcript: Opening 안녕하십니까? 오늘은 또 ‘한국어 공부하자’의 말하기 연습하도록 하겠습니다. 그럼 말하기 연습 37회 시작하겠습니다. Excerpt from Yonsei…
[Speaking Practice #36] 안부 전하기 Passing regards
Critiques for improvement are welcome. In fact, you can use Vocaroo to record your own attempt and share it here! 한국어 공부하자! Transcript: Opening 안녕하십니까? 오늘은 또 ‘한국어 공부하자’의 말하기 연습하도록 하겠습니다. 그럼 말하기 연습 36회 시작하겠습니다. Excerpt from Yonsei…
[Speaking Practice #35] 가족 행사 참여하기 Participating family events
Critiques for improvement are welcome. In fact, you can use Vocaroo to record your own attempt and share it here! 한국어 공부하자! Transcript: Opening 안녕하십니까? 오늘은 또 ‘한국어 공부하자’의 말하기 연습하도록 하겠습니다. 그럼 말하기 연습 35회 시작하겠습니다. Excerpt from Yonsei…
(Estimated reading time: 3 minutes) 1. 아무것도 할 수 없네 (informal) – can’t do anything at all A: 지금 소식을 기다릴 밖에 없어. B: 어휴, 우리가 아무것도 할 수 없네. A: We can only wait for…
[Speaking Practice #34] 친구 소개하기 Introducing a friend
Critiques for improvement are welcome. In fact, you can use Vocaroo to record your own attempt and share it here! 한국어 공부하자! Transcript: Opening 안녕하십니까? 오늘은 또 ‘한국어 공부하자’의 말하기 연습하도록 하겠습니다. 그럼 말하기 연습 34회 시작하겠습니다. Excerpt from Yonsei…
[Speaking Practice #33] 건강에 대한 관심 이야기하기 Talking about health
Critiques for improvement are welcome. In fact, you can use Vocaroo to record your own attempt and share it here! 한국어 공부하자! Transcript: Opening 안녕하십니까? 오늘은 또 ‘한국어 공부하자’의 말하기 연습하도록 하겠습니다. 그럼 말하기 연습 33회 시작하겠습니다. Excerpt from Yonsei…
[Speaking Practice #32] 세종대왕 King Sejong
Critiques for improvement are welcome. In fact, you can use Vocaroo to record your own attempt and share it here! 한국어 공부하자! Transcript: Opening 안녕하십니까? 오늘은 또 ‘한국어 공부하자’의 말하기 연습하도록 하겠습니다. 그럼 말하기 연습 32회 시작하겠습니다. Excerpt from Yonsei…
[Speaking Practice #31] 인터뷰하기 Interviewing someone
Critiques for improvement are welcome. In fact, you can use Vocaroo to record your own attempt and share it here! 한국어 공부하자! Transcript: Opening 안녕하십니까? 오늘은 또 ‘한국어 공부하자’의 말하기 연습하도록 하겠습니다. 그럼 말하기 연습 31회 시작하겠습니다. Excerpt from Yonsei…