

[Grammar] ~잖아

~잖아 (jan-a) It is hard to give an exact definition to this particle but it has the meaning of “you know it”. It is commonly used when you talk to a friend or someone whom you know. When the statement…

[Grammar] 누구, 누가, 누구의, 누구를

누구 (Nu-gu) – Who 누가 (Nu-ga) – Who (subject) 누구의 (Nu-gu-e) – Whose 누구를 (Nu-gu-reul) – Whom There is virtually no difference between 누구 and 누가 because 누가 is the abbreviation of 누구+가. 누구가/누가 (more commonly used) places emphasis on…

[Grammar] ~(은/ㄴ)데

~(은/ㄴ)데 (-de) – but ~(은/ㄴ)데 is probably one of the most versatile particle. You can either add it in the middle of a sentence or at the end of the sentence. And if you noticed in dramas, variety shows or…

[Grammar] ~는/은/ㄴ데도

~는/은/ㄴ데도 (neun/eun/-eun de-do) – but even then ~는/은/ㄴ데도 is some sort of an extension of 은/ㄴ데, the main difference is the extra 도 that is added behind. If you noticed, there is still a “but” in the definition. You would add ~는/은/ㄴ데도…

[Grammar] ~아/어/여 봐야

~아/어/여 봐야 (~a/eo/yeo bwa-ya) – regardless whether/even if This grammar particle has a very similar meaning to ~는/은/ㄴ데도 and ㄴ/는다고 해도. But it’s always useful to know more than few ways of expressing the same meaning, especially when you’re writing a long…

[Grammar] ~ㄴ/는다고 해도

~ㄴ/는다고 해도 (~eun/neun-da-go hae-do) – even when/even if Yesterday, we looked at ~아/어/여 봐야 and established that it is quite simlar to ~는 Today’s grammar particle is very similar to that too. There is of course, slight nuance differences but it doesn’t matter…

[Grammar] ~기 십상이다

~기 십상이다 (~gi sib-sang-i-da) – easily to be/likely to be/most probably be This grammar phrase is good to describe situations, facts or statements that are generally known to public or applicable to a general group of people or things. This phrase…

[Vocabulary] 손이 많이 가다

손이 많이 가다 (so-ni ma-ni ga-da) – require a lot of effort/care/work 손이 많이 가다 is another one of those expressions that might not make much sense if you translate it literally to English. 손 = hand 많이 = a…

[Vocabulary] 끼어들다

끼어들다 (ggi-eo-deul-da) – cut in/butt in/interrupt If you want to express how you or another third party enters a conversation either unwantedly or unexpectedly, you can use 끼어들다. Another way of using this is to express how you or someone jumps…

[Vocabulary] 선뜻

선뜻 (seon-ddeut) – gladly, willingly and without hesitation You would typically use this vocabulary to describe a donation or support of kindness. Basically this vocabulary would be used mostly in conjunction with a positive act. You wouldn’t use this to…