스스로 (seu-seu-ro) – oneself, by oneself
This word is interesting because it depends very much on the subject.
In other words, 스스로 will refer to the subject of the sentence – if “I” is the subject, 스스로 will be “myself” and if “he” is the subject, 스스로 will be “himself” and so on.
So when using 스스로, it is important to identify the (main) subject of the sentence if not there will be confusions.
여기서 산지 3년 되었지만 난 혼자 살고 있어서 난 아무 것도 스스로 하는 편이야.
I’ve lived here for 3 years but I live along so I’m the type who do everything by myself.
요즘은 한 도둑놈은 많이 도둑해서 넌 나가서 너 스스로 지켜야 돼, 알지?
Recently, there’s a thief who carried out a lot of theft cases so when you go out, you have to take care of yourself, alright?